

Newspapers and magazines are dedicating increasing attention to the Merlo’s Training and Research Centre.
Below are just a few of the most important press cuttings.

Lavori Pubblici – August 2020

Sistema Italia
An unprecedented synergy between the Italian Army and the Merlo Group which, met almost by chance two years ago, are now studying and sharing future strategies.

YouTrade – September 2020

Machines without secrets
The Merlo Research and Training Centre is aimed at those who use or build equipment. It offers training courses to improve the use, safety and knowledge of machines working on construction sites.

Sollevare – June/July 2020

To Italy rising again
With the vocational training initiative conceived by the CFRM in synergy with the Italian Army and the Alpine Corps, the Merlo Group has launched the era of the "Italian System" to enhance solidarity through the economic and civil forces of the country.

La Guida –  July 2020

Merlo and the Alpine Brigade train together
A video documentary tells the tests done at the Cervasca Training and Research Centre

GSA – Igiene Urbana – January/March 2020

The Merlo Training and Research Centre, an important story
When research and innovation confirm without the slightest doubt that ideas, passion and quality are the keys to success.

CartaCanta – February 2020

The GAM of Confindustria Canavese visiting Merlo Spa
A visit to the factory in Cervasca (CN) to create the conditions for potential future collaborations.

Elaborare 4×4 – March 2020

Lynx Eye
A 4x4 for tough tasks.

La Guida – January 2020

Company lesson at Merlo
Itis students from Cuneo and Fossano are involved in an innovative approach.
